Darrell Miklos and his team discovered the USO (unidentified submerged object) in the Bermuda Triangle close to the Bahamas. He spotted the large obtrusions while exploring the area in a submersible looking for shipwrecks. 'I was trying to identify shipwreck material based on one of the anomaly readings on Gordon's charts when I noticed something that stuck out, that shocked me,' said Miklos in an exclusive interview with DailyMail.com

Tədqiqatçı Darrel Miklos keçmiş NASA atstranavtı Qordon Kuperin hazırladığı xəritə əsasında atlantik okeanında araşdırmalar aparıb.

Yenixeber.org: Bu xəritədə Bermuda üçbucağında maqnit anomaliyalarının intensiv olduğu yerlər qeyd olunub.

“DailyMail” xəbər verir ki, Darrel Bahama adalarından (Bermud üçbucağı olan ərazi) bir qədər kənarda, okeanın dibində qeyri-adi bir tapıntı aşkar edib. O, bu tapıntının naməlum obyekt olduğunu deyir.

Hadisə yerinə digər tədqiqatçılar gəlib. Geofiziklər həmin obyektin ən az 5000 il yaşı olduğunu deyir. Nəhəng obyektin mərkəzdən kənarlara 4463 metrə qədər uzanan hissələri var.

Darrel Miklos hazırda həmin bilinməyən gəminin yer üzünə qaldırılması üçün işlər görüldüyünü deyir:

“Bu mənim gördüyüm bütün gəmi qalıntılarından fərqlidir. Bu ümumiyyətlə indiyə qədər gördüyüm heç bir şeyə bənzəmir. Gəminin 15-ə yaxın çıxıntısı var və bunlar sanki gəminin silahlarıdır.”

Qeyd edək ki, Darrel Miklos xəzinə ovçusudur və uzun müddətdir bu işlə məşğul olur. O, bundan bir müddət öncə Xristofor Kolumbun gəmisinin qalıntılarını tapmışdı.


Darrell Miklos and his team discovered the USO (unidentified submerged object) in the Bermuda Triangle close to the Bahamas. He spotted the large obtrusions while exploring the area in a submersible looking for shipwrecks. 'I was trying to identify shipwreck material based on one of the anomaly readings on Gordon's charts when I noticed something that stuck out, that shocked me,' said Miklos in an exclusive interview with DailyMail.com

Horizontal cylinder structures jut out from this large dome feature at the center of the site. Geophysicists on the team report that the coral covering these structures appears to be more than 5000 years old. 

A close up of one of the horizontal structures which has scientists baffled. Because of the extreme currents at the location it's almost impossible for coral to grow at all, let alone into a anything this large

Here, what he describes as the right jutting section of the USO.  According to scientists on Darrell's team, no coral anywhere in the world could grow in this formation naturally, there would have to be an underlying structure to support that type of growth

Miklos, 55, described what he found while filming episode seven of Cooper's Treasure and tells how he and his team want to bring the 'alien spaceship' to the surface 'It was a formation unlike anything I've ever seen related to shipwreck material, it was too big for that. 'It was also something that was completely different from anything that I've seen that was made by nature'

These horizontal structures are massive, each measures as much as 300 feet straight out, the length of a US football field. The explorer also found other bizarre and unexplained formations around the main object, all of which are covered in thick coral which he believes are hundreds if not thousands of years old

These mystery shapes score the top of the massive central mound. Each of these lines is the width of a family home

Here you can see the gigantic mound rising above the ring of structures that stick out from the center. The entire site's diameter is some 600 feet - the length of two football fields